A New Chapter for Creatively Misty

Pinable title image of Misty founder of Creatively Misty in art studio

Who’s ready for a change? I don’t know about y’all but I personally love change. For me it’s all about growth and living your journey. Some of you may remember back in October when the pull of Fall called me to make some changes my in life, my business, and all my social media platforms. For most of those changes I decided not to wait until the new year but for my blog I figured it couldn’t hurt to wait as it was only a couple more months and I’d done so much work to get them planned and scheduled.

So here I am making the final changes as the new year kicks off.

There are so many reasons I felt drawn to make a change, the main one being that I no longer felt in alignment with myself or my work. This blog being one of my biggest struggles of dissatisfaction. I started this blog not only because I love to write but because I love to share creativity with others. Now, don’t get me wrong, I was still sharing my creativity, but it was beginning to feel like work and unauthentic to who I am as an artist.

Creating new projects every week for no other purpose but to share them with an audience, who to be truthful, never responds or even visits my blog, grew old quick. I was investing in supplies I never used again and had a growing stockpile of finished projects I was never going to use. Somewhere in the process of evaluating what I wanted/needed and what changes to make I found my love of mixed media art again.

I’d never really lost it, I’d just pushed it into the background in order to create. Sounds kind of dumb right. Well, needless to say it was. I was sacrificing my own happiness and creative passions to satisfy other people. Well that’s over now.

Mixed media (like writing, drawing, photography and upcycling) is something I’ve loved for years and that isn’t going to change. Those are fundamental pieces of who I am, both as an artist and as a person. They are my creative passions. The problem always comes when I try to figure out how to share those things with the world.

Being a multi-passionate artist is a hard thing, seriously it’s no joke, and I’m sure many of you at some point along your creative journey have experienced this too, am I right? Being multi-passionate means, we pull ourselves in dozens of different directions and want to express all of those things, probably at once. It’s easy to get off course, especially when running a business, and bring your focus back to a simple single focus.

For me, I’ve always loved creating art, but I also LOVE teaching others to create. I know firsthand how creativity can change lives, heal the soul and bring joy and happiness to everyone. I love inspiring others get their creativity and confidence back. I want everyone to experience all the magic living creatively every day can bring to their life. I believe with all my heart that EVERYONE can be creative. Creativity teaches you to explore yourself, to live without fear, to never stop believing in yourself, and to create your own happiness. These are things no one should ever be without.

But my love of creativity often leads me to just start creating randomly (I also LOVE trying new creative things), instead of creating because I love what I’m creating. Please don’t get me wrong, we all must try new things, it’s how we change and grow, but we can also try new things inside our area of creative passion. A lesson I often have to remind myself of. Instead of totally switching gears and jumping to a totally random craft I’ve never done before and will likely never do again, why don’t I just explore new things in my creative area?

It seems so simple right? But for someone like me (with Squirrel syndrome, you know like that pet who has complete focus until a squirrel comes along) it’s anything but simple. I know I’m not alone in this and if you’re a multi-passionate artist who’s struggling, know you’re not alone either. I’m right there with ya!


Back to the topic at hand, lol…see squirrel syndrome, the blog will be changing. There won’t be weekly craft projects anymore as I’ve decided to cut them out and focus back on my mixed media art and my love of writing. So, every other week will now be an informational post or me sharing my artwork and techniques.

If you’ve followed me this long thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you and your time. I hope that you’ve enjoyed the blog and that you continue to come along on my crazy, ever changing, creative journey with me. And, if you choose to go your separate way, I’m so very thankful for the time you did spend with me and wish you the very best on your own creative journey.


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